Everyone has his or her time-tested traditions and we, ibexians are no different. We have our own set of traditions, such as celebrating MANGO DAY at workplace. For those, who are unfamiliar with the timely tradition that is MANGO DAY, one should always be prepared to get their hands dirty and enjoy the sweet buffet of never-ending Mangos that get sweeter and sweeter as you move on to the next one. This brings me to the fact that Mango Day is in full swing and has never been better than before. The thing about mangoes is that there is no messing it up and this is the case with the delectable stock that has been made available for Mango Day celebrations at ibex.. The quality and sweetness of the mangoes were top notch and were over-powered like a sweet, aphrodisiac since once you started, you just could not stop. The color of Mango Day has always been Yellow and for those that aren’t willing to dress up in their bright yellow garbs, have no fear because you can still participate in this awesome event. However, MANGO DAY is not just about eating Mangoes but being a part of the festive spirit as well and there is no denying that after seeing all the smiles on everyone’s face as they devoured the delectable fruit and took group selfies in the lobby today. It's always best to form a group of people that enjoy eating Mangos just as much as you do since that is when the fun really begins. Dunking your hands into ice cold water to fish out your mangos may sound simple enough till you reach for your 3rd Mango and that’s when things get unbearably cold and that too on a hot summer’s day, sounds delightful doesn’t it? It is always a good idea to have ample paper towels at your disposal to clean up after yourself both from fishing out and from consuming the delectable Mangos. Moreover, stiff yet friendly competition, namely “A Minute to Eat Mangoes” was held by forming random teams among employees that enthralled everyone out there and winners were rewarded with free discount vouchers of “Foodpanda” and “Studio De Couture”. All in all, it was a fun day for all of us where everyone relished the taste of the king of fruits. Of course, the goodies will have more mango treats that they can gorge on with their families—or even just by themselves-- but a delightful experience with colleagues at the workplace is worth cherishing in its own volume for long! Exemplary teamwork was demonstrated by the ‘Mango' teams participating in the event today, which made this event all the more interesting and enjoyable. One person has seen sourcing mangos while another took care of the plates and the knives. Another sourced kachi lassi which is basically a yogurt based salty smoothie that had been made available to everyone as a refreshment and works like a charm in the digestion process of the delightful fruit. The remaining team members sourced chairs and tables while one of them got their hands dirty slicing up all the mangos for the others to enjoy. We are continually glued for the wellbeing of our employees and this time; Mangoes were the very reason behind cheerful faces of ibexians!
Contributed by Muhammad Shahroz Ali & Sehrish Shakeel